Choose your division (boys or girls) and age, followed by some additional information and make your payment.
Know all the before/during/after rules of the event, PRIOR to attending.
Questions or concerns? Email the director of the tournament by clicking here.
A comprehensive list of all teams who have signed up for the tournament. List updated once a week.
Presented by Stone's AAU team, the Ohio Buckets, Stone Slam is planned to become north-central Ohio's biggest and baddest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in 2020! Brought to you in loving memory of our friend, Stone Ambos, we have MANY exciting things planned for the inaugural season of Stone Slam next summer!
The 3 on 3 tournament will be held behind Perkins High School (3714 Campbell Street, Sandusky, OH 44870) at the brand new Stone Ambos Courts for Kids. The event will feature a ton of basketball, as well as:
★ 3-point contest (all proceeds going to Stone Ambos Scholarship Fund)
★ Dunk contest
★ Food/drink stands
★ Live music/DJ
★ Merchandise and apparel stands
★ Raffles, giveaways and much, much more!
More information is coming soon on this event. It will feature both BOYS and GIRLS ages 10 and up, include an Adult (18+) division, and be officiated by OHSAA-certified referees.
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